Friday, October 27, 2017

Updates: Small Fry Versus Big Potatoes!

Having been unable to update the PlugShare Blog for some time, I reached out directly to PlugShare's Team, to see if I could get directly from them, a Summary of the data for the time since my last posting! It turns out - I am not Big Potatoes, but rather just a small fry! They would be happy to generate Custom Data, for larger organizations, for a Fee, of Course!

So in the mean time - they provided a few links for PlugShare Data Products, and from their first one, I find a few interesting examples of data they have provided, but not sure to who, if I wanted to follow up!

Click Each Picture below to view Full Size
(Or Click the first, and click it again to advance the Pictures!)

This is a nice Listing in line-Graph Progression form: DCFC Growth by Outlet Type.

Another sample image shows Free Vs. Paid (Again - to Q2, 2017).

Then, a nice PIE Chart, with a listing of Charging Locations by POI Type (Point of Interest?).

Ultimately, this gives at least some sense of the growth areas of the Infrastructure of EVSE's or EV Charging Stations, as tallied by PlugShare!

They also provided a Link to the "Alternative Fuels Data Center - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Locations", but this link just covers USA Listings and Data!

I hope this is useful information for my viewers!

Thanks for Visiting today!